ULTRA NT SCIF RF Shielding Barrier - SOLID is one of the highest performing SCIF barriers on the market with a minimum shielding effectiveness of 106.8 dB tested between the frequencies of 100 MHz to 10 GHz following the IEEE-299 testing guidelines and is fully compliant with Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF) application guidlines. It provides an effective RF attenuation barrier against a wide range of RF frequencies. Also, our products are manufactured in the United States.
We are the only RF shielding barrier on the market with a 106.8 minimum dB rating between the frequencies of 100 MHz to 10 GHz. Our competition has a 90 dB rating or even lower tested at the same frequencies of 100 MHz to 10 GHz.
- Shielding Effectiveness: Tested between the frequencies of 100 MHz to 10 GHz following IEEE-299-2006 testing standards = 106.8 dB
- Shielding Effectiveness: Tested between the frequencies of 30 MHz to 18 GHz following IEEE-299-2006 testing standards = 91.7 dB
- Roll size: 48" wide x 125' long (500 square feet per roll)
- Manufactured: United States
- Material: Two-sided reflective aluminum foil with polyethylene woven reinforcement
- Emmissivity: ASTM C1371-04A = 0.03
- Reflectivity: Reflects 97% of radiant heat.
- Corrosiveness: ASTM D3310-00 = Passes
- Fire rating: ASTM E84-10: = Class 1 Class A
- Fire rating: ASTM E84-10: = Flame spread = 0 Smoke development
- Bleeding and delamination: ASTM C1224-03: = No bleeding or delamination
- Pliability: ASTM C1224-03: = No cracking
- Water Vapor Permeability: ASTM E96-05: = .0027 Perm rating
- Resistance to fungi: ASTM C1338-08: = Pass no growth
- Tensile strength and tear resistance: Length: 101.47 pounds of force
- Tensile strength and tear resistance: Width: 86.22 pounds of force
Consumer Alert: This product can only be purchased through National Building Supplies, LLC. and on our authorized product website, www.ultrantscifbarrier.com.
We have included our comprehensive product testing report in our submittal and Testing sheet below to support our product performance claims. The testing was conducted at MET Laboratories, Inc., 914 West Patapsco Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland. We assure you that all the equipment used for the physical determinations is accurate and has recent traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The testing process adhered to the guidelines outlined in IEEE-299.